Saturday morning I put Hartpury Twilight out with
Spicer who is a very gentle horse I have never seen his ears back, they were quickly sharing hay and all seemed happy...phew!
Then I lunged Monty he was perfect and this time with no lunge whip.... walk, trot canter and walk all by my voice...maybe useful one day when riding him and he ignores my reins!!!
Then it was off to
Hartpury indoor SJ with John Wayne and Top Gun, they both jumped double clear in the 3ft to come 5
th and 6
th. In the 3'3"
JW had 2 down and
TG had one down to
fiinish in 6
th. They went very well and I was relieved as their old stud groom who looked after them them when they were tiny foals came to watch.
Sunday we left home at 4am to go with Icon to
Burnham Market ( I mucked out and plaited too)
We had never been to this event in Norfolk before but I wanted to go to look at the ground and course as they run a
cic*** and an Advanced in the Spring.
Icon did a 35 dressage, one of only 4 clears SJ and clear
XC. I went flat out
XC even Ant said it looked fast! Even so he had ten time faults which put us 8
th so still a good result but not good enough for a 2011
Gatcombe qualifier, which is what I am hoping for.
He is now on 36 points, he is such a good horse, his SJ round today was amazing, he just sprung round. Lots of
website has a new page to its gallery- the
gatcombe pics taken by William Fox, a huge
thankyou to him I have stopped buying Icons photos at events as nothing is as good as these he took.