Had a good week at Malvern PC senior camp. Most of my ride were on young or new horses and it was lovely to see them improve during the week, well done to Annie who has got a lovely partnership going with her new horse Stan, Megan as usual rode beautifully and turned her horse out immaculately all week, Claire learnt about a years worth of stuff on a very young green horse she had kindly been lent for the week, with moral support from Leenie (whose horse was this green at camp last year) and is off to Crickland SJ champs with him this weekend. It was a very good week even though I got very tired trying to ride 3 and muck out 6 before I left at 9.15 each day.
The famous MPC Bun Run (Iced Buns and juice) kept us all energised through the week, thank you to those who helped deliver them just at the right time everyday.
The early mornings were all worth it, John Wayne went double clear into 2nd place at a 4 year old qualifier today at Milton Keynes and has qualified for the Lycetts British Young Horse Championships.
My website is having some updates mainly on the horse news http://www.stellabayliseventing.co.uk/

Other big news is Sarah Dixon-Smith (my livery) sold her beloved Champ (mister muddle) and has bought Hope Dettori (Frank) a 15.2 hh 5 year old welsh cob x. She has worked hard with him in the few weeks she has owned him and today she went double clear at their first BE80t with a 34 dressage. Brilliant.
The famous MPC Bun Run (Iced Buns and juice) kept us all energised through the week, thank you to those who helped deliver them just at the right time everyday.
The early mornings were all worth it, John Wayne went double clear into 2nd place at a 4 year old qualifier today at Milton Keynes and has qualified for the Lycetts British Young Horse Championships.
Poor John Wayne had to do his dressage in a terrible rain storm and we had some twisty head moments but just then the rain was so thick the judge couldn't see me!
I now have both 4 year olds qualified and looking at the champs website its going to be a real occasion, very exciting. www.bedeltd.co.ukMy website is having some updates mainly on the horse news http://www.stellabayliseventing.co.uk/
Other big news is Sarah Dixon-Smith (my livery) sold her beloved Champ (mister muddle) and has bought Hope Dettori (Frank) a 15.2 hh 5 year old welsh cob x. She has worked hard with him in the few weeks she has owned him and today she went double clear at their first BE80t with a 34 dressage. Brilliant.
wow look at his front legs they're crossed! Very tidy!