Here is Ant bringing Milo and Frank (This is Sarah's, my livery) a large bale of hay. Frank and Milo are waiting cautiously! Our horses tend to be good in traffic they are so used to a tractor bringing them hay!
My elderly cat , 14 yr old Monserat and Sweep find a good way to keep warm beside the logburner. Monserat had been an outside cat all his life and refused to come inside, until last winters cold weather and now he sleeps inside every night. He is a brilliant mouser and catches rats too, he also begs for tit bits along side the dogs and growls at me if I forget him!
Just done quick flat work sessions with the horses the last few days. Monty's walk, trot and canter transitions are less exciting and his free walk is definitely recognisable! Brrrrrr..... I am only warm when I am riding or mucking out, the house is warm enough to take my coat and gloves off by 7 pm when the log burner has really got going. Its the wind thats cold but snow may be coming too Brrrrrrr.....!
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