3 year old Pop Art started his training on Xmas day, he had a bridle and saddle on and learnt to be tied up and to trot up in hand. He also passed the plastic bag test see above, which helps them get used to the sound of waterproof riders coats etc.
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Popart Starts his training
3 year old Pop Art started his training on Xmas day, he had a bridle and saddle on and learnt to be tied up and to trot up in hand. He also passed the plastic bag test see above, which helps them get used to the sound of waterproof riders coats etc.
Monday, 22 December 2014
Arena Eventing Lincombe on Rif Raf plus horse Shopping
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Hartpury Show Jumping
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Massimo is home
Sunday, 23 November 2014
A Winning Streak
Monday, 17 November 2014
Middleton is Outstanding in his first Novice Dressage
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
BE Coaching Course
Sunday, 9 November 2014
News on Young Horses
Huge news is that Graham has jumped his first cross pole on him and we are planning on a low key dressage outing for him soon.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
My two first timers have a go at Solihull Autumn ODE
Had a fab end of season event at Solihull. Here they run really good unaffiliated ODEs for baby horses with all the atmosphere of a BE event.
Rupert began our good day with a lovely dressage test to score 32 followed by Middleton who won a rosette for the best dressage with a amazing 29. Both horses tried really hard and I couldn't have asked better of them for where they are at in their training.
Rupert jumped a nice clear SJ and Middleton rolled a pole when he became too bold and then a little flat in his canter.
The XC was superb, there was a good variety of obstacles, some fences were dressed with a few flowers and were all up to height. The course included a step up to a log, some woodland, logs, brush fences and of course Solihull's lovely water complex.
Both boys flew round clear, Rupert had a 6 time faults for too slow (he went first) and then Middleton went next and had time for going too fast which cost him the win.
Rupert finished in 6th and Middleton in 2nd, I was thrilled to bits, it's not often 2 horses get everything right eventing on the same day, especially when it's their first ever one day event.
Utube clip of Rupert below
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Ledbury Hunt XC Competition
Rupert has grown up an awful lot in one week and jumped round really confidently, he still spooked at a very small ditch but flew the next couple of ditches which were much bigger, he also splashed bravely straight into the water jump, I am really pleased with how he is progressing. Middleton went clear I was amazed how bold he was, especially as when we set out it was thick fog and he wasn't at all spooked by things appearing out of the mist!
There were lots of entries and being a local event it was great to see so many people I know. Everyone seemed really impressed with the course and how it was riding.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Hartpury Top Gear goes to his first show.
He was fab, such a good boy and very brave. This was Moores Farm clear round day, which is really good value at £10 a horse, for using the facilities and as many clear rounds as you need. I went along and paid my £10 and thought it would be good experience for him to just use the indoor warm up and the practice fences.
Then as he was so good I thought I would just show him the main arena and jump one or two fences....
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Salters Hill - Ross Harriers XC
This was Middletons first XC event and Ruperts first show on grass as well as his first XC event.
The ground was good with plenty of grass cover. Middleton looked cautiously at the straw bales under fence one and popped over it and then grew in confidence and cleared the rest of the 23 fences really well!!!! Rupert set off with much more gusto and confidence until he got to fence 19 the ditch in the coffin, he intelligently found an alternative serpentine route from a) to b) which I quickly corrected so we were still pointing at the ditch! Rupert ground to a halt and then over he lept from a stand still.
Ruperts owner Graham Potts came along to watch, Ant cooked us all bacon sandwiches in the lorry and then we sent Graham off happily home with a bright pink 5th Rosette!!!!!
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Rupert XC Schooling
Had a fab outing to Bissell Wood XC schooling. Whole course on soft sand and really inviting fences. Rupert started out with logs on the floor and finished jumping the 2'9" fences. He felt so bold and he loved it, I was really impressed with him. My friends Tracey on Fine Girl and Louise on 4 yr old Bernie came along and their horses went brilliant too.
Monday, 29 September 2014
Rupert and Top Gear go SJ Schooling
Really pleased with them both.
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Massimo makes Fab Progress
He has accepted the saddle really well and I am leaning over him, he has been long reining everywhere round Castlemorton Common and has been so good. He is not spooky and is brave.
It is so nice to have been sold a horse that is exactly as described.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Massimo arrives
But thankfully so far he is well mannered, sensible, incredibly laid back and seems a brave sort too.
He has had his first bath and been wormed and had a saddle on, which is all scary stuff but after his first reaction of "woah what are u doing with that" he accepts all these new experiences really quickly. After his bath I led him round the school to dry him off and he walked straight over all my brightly coloured poles and planks and between all the very spooky fillers.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Alvescot Massimo & Hartpury Top Gear
Jeremy (Top Gear) is home from a week with Sean Gooney. Sean says he is such a lovely horse and has been very pleased with him, Sean broke him in the spring and then we turned him away and now he back in work ready to start his competition training. I collected him from Sean's this morning & rode him this afternoon, he is a lovely ride, very well balanced and light in the hand. My plan is to work towards young horse classes next year.
I have also bought Alvescot Massimo an unbroken 3 year old by the lovely stallion Miley. We picked him out of a field of youngsters at Alvescot Stud near Burford. So hopefully these two horses will be able to progress along side each other. Mo arrives later this week, here is a pic of him as a foal along with his breeding info.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Video of Sprout my 2 Year Old
Here is a video of Sprout starting his education.
He is just over 2 years old and is very well bred as his Dam is 3/4 sister to Carling King who was 4th at the Athens Olympics. A very special boy.
Always seek professional advice before long reining and once you have mastered the skill do plenty of it.
Long reining is really good for young horses, both mentally and physically as it's a relaxing way to learn much of the skills they will require to make really good ridden horses, without the extra strain of a rider on board.
I learnt to long rein from watching a Robert Oliver demontstarion many years ago and also on a local stud open day where I was taught to long rein using their already trained horses.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Groom at Burghley for Louise (Wiggy) Harwood
Once again I had the most fantastic time as assistant groom for Louise Harwood and her mum Jackie Skelton at Burghley this weekend.
Louise had 2 horses there Jenga who is doing Blenheim next week and Mr Potts who was doing his 4th 4*. I had a wrist band that gave me access to the stables and the riders TV tent and of course the collecting rings and start boxes. Potts did a better dressage test than last year but slightly disappointingly received a similar mark.
Early on Saturday Jackie and I grazed the 2 horses while Louise had a final course walk. We had ages until Potts went XC at 12.45 but it flew by. By the time we had tacked Jenga up for Louise to take him for a gallop, had some breakfast, skipped out the stables and looked after Jenga when he returned it was time to start getting XC tack together.
We studded Potts up and went to watch the first few on the tv screens. The first horse was sticky and backing off so not the best one to watch. However a few good rounds eventually followed and then it was 11.50 and time to go tack up Potts. Once tacked up I walked him round to begin his warm up, Louise was on board by 12.10 and took him for a short hack before returning to jump a few show jumps before moving onto the XC practise fences. Potts was fresh he was jumping fab but huge. Then there was a hold on course which delayed their start time by 30 minutes, by the time they were called over to the start Potts had time to chill and was jumping more economically he looked much more like he did last year. Phew!
Over by the start box Jackie made us all laugh as I put on his XC grease, I put lots on the same as we do for our horses " careful with that Stella, not too much, it's £17 a pot" she shouted!!!!
Once Potts was safely started Jackie and I went into the riders TV tent to watch nervously. They made it look easy and jumped a super clear, and at the half way point into 4th place, how many riders come back from jumping round Burghley and say the Cottessmore leap felt small! Clever Mr Potts. Wiggy was disappointed with her time faults at first, but as the day progressed the time remained tight, her score was looking very good and she went into 15th overnight.
Just 1 rail the next day and they finished in an amazing 12th place. Wiggys best result to date, it was amazing.
Jackie, Wiggy and Graham Potts the vet who Mr Potts is named after washing off a warm Mr Potts.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Sold - Hartpury Take It 2 The Top

Saturday, 30 August 2014
Seconds for Rupert, Vet and Horse Falls on top of me!!!!!
Rupert went off to his 2nd show today at Allen's Hill. He once again behaved really well scoring 65% prelim18 and 69% in prelim12. He came 2nd in both tests, only missing out on 1st place by less than a mark. He is saving 1st place for when his owner competes him.
Yesterday I had Becks the vet here doing lots of routine tasks on my young horses. Yearling colts Beetle and Dippy were both castrated and also had their wolf teeth removed. 2 year old Wizard also had his wolf teeth out.
I asked Becks to look at a strange mobile, 10p size, swelling, on the back of Wizards lower hock, Becks was as mystified as I was, it was such an odd lump with lots of fluid surrounding it, yet he was very sound on it. A few X Rays and scans later and we had the mystery solved, it was a soft tissue swelling similar to a Ganglion found on humans. Very unusual and probably caused by some sort of trauma to the area. Despite it looking rather unsightly she has advised me to leave well alone and continue as normal with him. Means he can be an event horse but not a show horse. Phew that's a relief!!!!
When we castrated Dippy I was stood in front of him holding him while the sedation took hold. Suddenly he tumbled forward right on top of me. I went down backwards onto the concrete like a skittle, luckily the stable door was open and I got thrown clear out into the yard. I was a bit shaken but not a bruise to be seen.
Dippy helping to bring Beetle in for Castration!
Friday, 29 August 2014
Rupert goes to his first show
Ruperts owner Graham Potts is away at the World Equestriam Games in France this week so sadly Graham missed Rupert competing at his first ever show.
Rupert behaved beautifully, I am so pleased with him. We were competing in a walk and trot test, he neighed the entire way through but did a super although green test to come 2nd.
Then in Prelim 7 he gave up the neighing and was much less green. He scored 67% to finish 5th. The dressage classes at Hillview are open to all, so the standard can be quite good, this meant a horse was in our class that did the Badminton Grassroots Champs this year, Rupert was only 4 marks away from it too.