Top Gun was entered for the 2'3". He was quite lit up in the warm up. First a bucking palomino upset him and once he got over that a Dun pony came in jumping with the speed of a missile. After I had sat a few interesting spins and bucks and he was settling again a spotty horse came in, off we go again with Ant shouting encouraging advice like sit up and stick with him!
Once settled he jumped in the class violently swerving about as he spooked at spectators, the music and the banners yet he somehow jumped double clear.
I then took him in the 2'6" Arena Derby, 5 water trays, brushes, gates, walls as well as show jumps and a mat to walk over all in the 23 fence course. He jumped a really lovely calm and slow clear, it felt like he had been in Derbys all his life and to my amazement came 2nd. The speedy ponies either forgot the course or had fences down. His Dad Take It 2 The Limit was 6th at Bramham today so Top Gun has alot to live up to!
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