Cleobury cancelled due to lumpy hard ground so Duvet Day can have a week off.
Icon went to Pontispool and the ground was pretty bad there too. Although they had done lots of work to it, with gravel on all the landings and used one of those machines to loosen it up a bit. But it was still rough and as I really shook Icon up here last year when he was 2nd we decided to just dressage and SJ.
He then of course does a super test for a 36, beating Louise Skeltons Mr Potts which is a first! Louise and her mum Jackie bought some chickens off us earlier in the week, turns out she is scared of them, so I think she was still a bit shaky from the experience!!!
My heart was not in the SJ and I didn't work hard enough and Icon clunked 3 early fences down, I then woke him up and he nearly jumped me off for the last part of the course.
Milo has now competed at his first dressage competition and once again behaved perfect and was 2nd in a walk and trot test. We won't stay in the arena at canter yet, need all of Castlemorton Common to turn in!!!
I love your website, and will read it regularly from now on!! It is great to hear updates, and if ever I lack enthusiasm with our horses/ponies, 5 minutes reading your news will certainly re-inspire me!! See you soon :)