Two event riders that I coach competed at the prestigious Badminton Qualifier, grass roots regional final at Broadway today. Trainee vet nurse Becky Amos and Camilla
Esling (Mil is PA to TV Celebrity Auctioneer - Philip
Serrell) Both girls have had some bad luck up to the event, Becky's horse has been off top form with a virus and
Camillas has a tiny bit of a sore mouth, where a bit pinched him. Camilla's has been in a
hackamore all week, which made that final flat work tweaking difficult. However both horses performed well in the dressage they looked fab and were very accurate, but tiny loses of suppleness dropped the odd good mark.
Both girls were cheered in the Show Jumping after riding a perfect clear, making

all their supporters very proud, and this followed with both of them jumping clear
XC too. Camilla finished 7
th just 1 place from a Badminton qualification. A really good end to the season for both girls.
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