The main thing that is very sad is my lovely old dog "Trevor" had to be put to sleep this week. He had severe arthritis in his back legs and I have been escorting him about for the last few weeks, every now and then his legs give way and I have to help him back up. Over the last 3 days he deteriorated so quickly it was that awful time to put him put to sleep. All done at home and he is buried with my other favourites in the garden. I have been teaching in a base ball cap all week to try and hide that I have been crying.
Trevor started out as my sister Annas dog but as a border collie he wasn't suitable for a family town dog and used to nip the children and so he was given to me, I had always adored him and he loved it here, he had complete freedom to roam about and used to love "helpin
g" get the horses in! He was a highly intelligent dog and has left quite an empty space in many ways.

Here he is with my sisters children Maisie, Monique and their dad Kenny.
Below utube link is a fun film I made for our family Christmas entertainment a few years ago. You won't really get it unless you are familiar with the film "The Sound Of Music"
Its quite mad and hopefully it will make you chuckle. Trevor is then a young star playing Captain Von Yapp!
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