Monty did the 80 cm at Ledbury PC ODE today. He scored 22 dressage, clear SJ and one whip sideways spook XC but still came 8th!
When he was put back on the lorry it was Milos turn. Monty decided it was about time he misbehaved and had a temper tantrum about being left on his own. When Milo got back from dressage Monty was on his hind legs in the lorry with his hooves in the window! I threw my gloves at him and his hooves disappeared. Then we realised he had got his haynet down and round his back legs. On inspection I could see it was lodged firmly between his hooves and his shoes, on both legs. My friend Bernice had to feed him sugar lumps and carrots, whilst I carefully cut the haynet off. We dare not unload him in case he panicked and bolted round the lorry park, it felt quite dangerous under his hind legs cutting the net, he was nervous and quite jumpy as his legs were held by the net. Soon all OK and no harm done thank goodness.
Milo lay in 3rd place after dressage and had one down SJ, he was competing in the 90 cm (3 ft).
He did a lovely clear inside the time XC and finished in 3rd place, definitely now ready to go British Eventing next time out. Exciting.
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