Yippee my lorry passed its MOT, thanks to my amazing mechanic Emlyn. I have given my lorry a spring clean ready for the new season. And cleaned out the loo. Only I found trouble when I came to empty the stinky loo bit. I discovered our drains in the garden were blocked. That's the drain of the worst kind if you get my drift. YUK! There was a horrible mass of frozen gunk in the drain, the sides of the drain had caved in stopping it flowing away. Ant helped and got the broken bricks out and then I took buckets of water to the other drain cover further up the garden and tipped the water in. Then I ran down the garden to see if the water was flowing. Eventually it did, washing the horrible gunk heap away, as I ran up and down with the the water I got the giggles as I suddenly wondered if this was how the game pooh sticks was invented!
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